Sunday, February 10, 2008

Classical TRIZ education and Classical ARIZ

What is TRIZ education and why it is so different form traditional education?
What role play ARIZ in the TRIZ education Process?
What is behid text of ARIZ? And some other aspect of growing competence in Classical TRIZ in mailing list: TRIZ topica:

Here you can subscribe for mailing list of worldwide TRIZ community. Feree of spam. Posts appear not so often but last two years more and more interesting. Useful discussion on various TRIZ and Innovation related topics…
Could be interesting for TRIZ beginners but not only…

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Totaly stupid or totaly innovative?

We live in the world of rapid changes. Each changes force us to innovate our life our organization and, finally, our own mind. More and more people start to talk about innovation: innovate product, innovate organizational structure, innovate business model, innovate educational system etc…
However, Innovation is not so easy way to survive in the world of rapid changes. There are lots of myths on innovation and stereotypes. In the middle of 1980s the author of TRIZ Genrich Altshuller and his pupil Igor Vertkin carried out very interesting research on the history of innovation. They study biographies of approximately 1000 people who have changed the world.